Commercial Emergency Grab Bag
June 20, 2023Easily Made Emergency Shelters
August 22, 2023How much should I store?
Keep at least a three-day supply of water, that is, a minimum of three liters of drinking water per person per day (at least nine liters per person for the three days). This equates to four 2.25 liter soft-drink bottles. It is strongly recommended that you store more if possible. Hot environments and intense physical activity can double the amount required. Children, nursing mothers, and ill people will also need more. Be sure to include drinking and clean-up water for your pets. The amount needed will depend on their sizes and the conditions. Remember that pets often drink more water than usual when under stress.

What do I store water in?
To prepare the safest and most reliable emergency supply of water, purchase commercially bottled water. Keep bottled water in its original container and do not open it until you need to use it. Store bottled water in the original sealed container and observe the expiration or “use by” date. If you are preparing your own containers of water, follow the directions below for selecting, cleaning, and filling the containers with water: Purchase food-grade, water-storage containers. If you choose to use your own storage containers, use two-litre plastic soft-drink bottles. Do not use containers that had milk or fruit juice in them. Milk protein and fruit sugars cannot be adequately removed from these containers and provide an environment for bacterial growth when water is stored in them. Do not use glass containers because they can break and are heavy. Always keep a water filter in your survival kit for additional water in an emergency.
How do I prepare the water for storage? If storing water in plastic soft-drink bottles or food-grade water-storage containers: Thoroughly clean them with hot water. Fill them to the top with regular tap water until it overflows. Add five drops of non-scented liquid household chlorine bleach per liter to the water. Don’t use household bleach containing fragrances or detergents, for example Janola, to treat the water. Do not drink for at least 30 minutes after disinfecting. Tightly close the containers using the original caps. Be careful not to contaminate the caps by touching the inside of them with your fingers. Place a date on the outside of the containers so that you know when you filled them.
Where do I store the water?
Store them in a cool, dark place with your survival kit. Check the bottles every 12 months, for example at the beginning of daylight saving. If the water is not clear, throw it out and refill clean bottles with clean water and bleach.
Source: NZ Civil Defence
For more information visit Get Prepared to respond to an emergency