Top 5 Must-Have Items for New Zealand Emergency Survival
September 12, 2024
Why Every NZ Home Needs a Survival Kit
December 12, 2024ShakeOut is a global, self-run earthquake and tsunami drill designed to remind everyone of the crucial actions to take during an earthquake. No notification will be sent, so it’s up to you to initiate the drill in a way that works best for you and your household. The goal is simple: practice dropping, covering, and holding on for 60 seconds to simulate how you would protect yourself during a real earthquake. If you’re in a tsunami evacuation zone, take it a step further by practicing your evacuation plan to ensure everyone knows what to do when the time comes.
In New Zealand, we know how unpredictable natural disasters can be, especially earthquakes and tsunamis. That’s why it’s critical to be prepared. By participating in ShakeOut, you are not only practicing lifesaving actions, but also reinforcing the importance of having a plan in place. But preparation doesn’t stop at drills—having a well-stocked survival kit and emergency food supply is just as important.
Invest in a survival kit and emergency food today. These essential resources can make all the difference in a real-life emergency, helping to keep you and your family safe and well-prepared. Stock your kit with long-lasting, nutritious food, water, first aid supplies, and other necessities that will sustain you in the aftermath of a disaster.
Be proactive, be prepared, and take action today. Participate in ShakeOut, and ensure you have the emergency supplies you need for New Zealand’s unpredictable natural environment. Click here to find out more about the New Zealand ShakeOut.